One night during my 10-Minute Talk with my daughter, we came across 1 Chronicles 28:20 which says,
“David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.”
When I read it, I immediately paused and felt it was a scripture that needed to be shared with the I Can’t Come Down Community.
In this passage of scripture I see David telling his son 3 Key things:
1.)What to BE
2) What to DO
3) What to Believe
I want you to take a moment and re-read that scripture again.
How do you feel when you read it?
Did you feel excited, nervous, cautious, curious, encouraged? Did your heart skip a beat or did it leap?
There is no right or wrong feeling, however, I believe the feeling you felt is an indication of how you feel when God says to you,
“<Insert your name>, Be strong and courageous and Do the Work!”
What work? The last thing He told you to do! The assignment you know he has given you but the risk feels greater than the reward, so you are stalling. That work!
The work for us is always found in obedience to the last instruction God gives us. Have you done it? Any of it?
I love what Mark Batterson says in, “Draw the Circle 40 Day Devotional”. He says, “Our job is to hear His voice. His job is to establish our steps. And if we do our job, God will do His!”
Of course, once he establishes those steps we must move!
Here is the thing, we must BE willing to DO the work God has called us too and Believe He will establish the path to accomplishing his plan through us on earth.
So in other words, we must stop allowing the lie that we need to know the provision be the thing that delays us from starting the process.
Remember, He won’t forsake you. It’s time to DO THE WORK!