But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.
Exodus 4:13 (NLT)
When I was a young girl, I would sit on the living room floor in front of the big brown box television completely mesmerized by the 4 hour VHS film of Moses. My dad, sitting in his chair, would alternate between reading his bible and glancing at the screen as sounds of bible history filled the room. During the movie, I often found myself imagining how different my life would be had I lived in the bible days. No matter how many times I watched it, there was one particular scene that always captivated me and snatched me from daydreaming into reality.
The scene of Moses holding the 10 Commandments on top of the mountain.
I loved that scene.
In it, his face glowed with radiance from his Mountain top encounter with God which was perfectly depicted through the tv screen. At that moment, Moses seemed like one of the most brave, courageous, obedient servants of God.
And he was. However, to my surprise, as I started to study the word I quickly learned that this servant of God didn’t start out this way.
Moses, the one who God used to threaten Pharaoh, lead the Israelites out of Egypt, part the Red Sea and deliver the Ten Commandments, spends a chapter and a half in the book of Exodus trying to convince God that he was not the man for the job. With excuse after excuse, Moses made every effort to get out of God’s request to help set his people free.
We finally get to the moment of truth in Exodus 4:13 where Moses says,
“Lord, please! Send anyone else.”
But God knew that he couldn’t become Moses the man on the Mountain without first overcoming Moses, the man running from the mountain.
Here is the thing, often, our mountains in life represent our missions in life, and running from mission is something, I believe, we have all done at one point or another. Some of us, are doing that right now because we feel that the thing God has asked us to do is difficult and will require us to return to people and places that we dread. Or to do something that we feel ill-equipped or unqualified to do.
But the God who created us knows our capabilities and our capacity and he calls us on mission with that in mind.
Throughout this series, we will learn, like Moses, what it looks like to move in the mission God has given us even when we are not motivated. I would love for you to share in the blog comment what mission God is calling you to fulfill.
I have been an educator for several years and I recently went back to school and finished a degree outside of education. Last year I asked the Lord to make this last year my last and then I would go out and pursue HIS vision for me. Well I’m having a hard time moving my feet. Debating on is my time really done in the classroom. I’m frustrated overwhelmed and tired, but I love teaching. The field of education is not where I’d like it to be anymore. We don’t focus enough on the whole child. Well I feel God nudging me into social work which is the degree I earned, but I have an obstacle in my way to obtaining my license. I’m moving forward in fear applying for jobs anyway in hopes that someone will hire me and give me time to get the license. Leaving my comfort zone for the unknown is scary. I’ve been applying to jobs I would’ve overlooked because I was not qualified enough. But I know GOD can qualify who He calls. I’ve asked for signs and confirmation of this career change but because they haven’t come in the way I thought they should so I may have missed them. This story of Moses helped me remember that God takes average people to do extraordinary things.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this. I love how God continues to invite us into his will and is patient with us. If you haven’t done so yet, I believe the Taking the Leap Podcast would be great for you. You can find it at the5leaps.com.
That was my mantra for many years… ‘Send someone else!’ Until God made abundantly clear to create a space in the wilderness for women to be set free! Founded on the book of Exodus, ‘Exodus Womens Retreat’ is now in our 16th year, setting the captives free! Turns out, God DID send me:))
That’s absolutely amazing! I love how you have allowed that part of your story to bring God glory. Congratulations on 16 years!
I feel like the mission God is calling me to, is to take care of my sister who has ALS.
What a powerful mission. If you are familiar with the 5 leaps, that is definitely one that God will ask us to take. What an honor!
GOODMORNING god has called me to preach I am and Evangelist I have a women’s ministry name iwog ministry which stands for inspirational women of God ministry I am the founder been active going on 6 yrs. But through this God has been preparing me for my next assignment which he wants me to move forward in my next assignment to preach his gospel not just teach but preach the word. I don’t know where he is taking me but I am just staying Focus. I also want to open up a women’s shelter for homeless women and their children’s. So I am just praying for his will to be done
Hi, I’ve just published a 6-week Bible Study book called My House Renovated, One Room At a Time. I am now feeling the call to put together a 6-part seminar series to go with it. Is God calling me to YouTube, and/or travel for speaking engagements!? I currently have a fb group ministry called Restored With Love
That’s amazing! I know he will give you the next step. He is faithful lik that.
That’s amazing! I know he will give you the next step. He is faithful like that.
Father help me to see the work you have for me. Give me the wisdom to always seek you.
Yes! Amen
Submitting to my calling, even just beating cancer and going through all, its been a challenge and I dont know where I should start. But I know that everytime I close my mouth, God comes out. It’s time to put all jokes aside and get to the Evangelism he has called me to be.
It sounds like he has given you a story and mission. Praying for you as he gives you the next set of instructions. Obedience is key!
Hi Rachel
I’ve always said that I’m the she version of Moses, right to my stuttering:). I recommitted and resubmitted my life to God after years of being a luke warm Christian, and after surviving domestic violence. Now being a single mum of four, I decided to stop running away from the mountain and do what God gave me as a vision to do, that is to start a non for profit called Woman Eternal Org, that helps vulnerable pregnant women and newborns. In addition I’m also publishing a childrens’ book, (God Has A coloring box). My YES to God came after a long struggle but goodness gracious I wish I could have done it much earlier. My life has completely changed and the peace and purpose in me is unspeakable!
Sending you lots of love Rachel, your messages inspire me.
Thank you for this, Ms. Scott. Before I opened your email, I was literally talking to God, asking Him, please give me the mindset and the motivation to do Your will and to walk Your calling. To be honest, I feel stuck and cannot move forward, and feeling an inability to do what He Has called me to do, whether it’s encouraging His people through my writing or even speaking His word. So I am very excited to read what you are going to write in this series.
Honestly I can even tell you. I’ve been in mental health field for over 30 years in various jobs . I always thought that I was traveling on the right path but I can’t say I ever got confirmation that I’m doing what God’s purpose is for me. I ask for God to show me his purpose and plan so I can be discipline and seek and do his will.
Rachel, Thank you for allowing God to use you in the ministry that he has given you. Your blog came right on time for me. I’m in the process of setting up a YouTube channel in a few weeks to inspire and encourage people to pray, and informing them of the benefits of prayer & meditation. I’ve even created a prayer kit (not that you need that to pray) to inspire people to set aside time to spend with God….HOWEVER lol…I am a true introvert and not sure of what will happen when I open myself up and come out from hiding because I’m so use to being comfortable with being behind the scene and letting others take the lead. I know that God has given me this ministry because he continues to place it on my heart. I must just trust God will be with me, obey God, do it afraid and know that who God calls he qualifies.