
Two weeks ago, I did something I never thought was possible. Honestly, something I never dreamt I’d do.

I signed a book deal with Moody Publishers for a book that will be released in March 2024!

This is huge for so many reasons but the #1 reason is that it was never part of my life goals or plans.

My desire was to become a backup singer for a major Christian artist. Not the lead singer, that was too much pressure and although I did have a gift to sing, I always felt it functioned better when it was blended in with some beautiful harmony. Much of my early years were spent in choirs, singing groups, and ensembles. I was excited about the potential future option to sing backup and write songs when given the opportunity.

Life landed me away from my hometown for several years and when I returned, I went back to singing with one of the Christian groups I had been in before. But something was different. At the time, I couldn’t quite tell if this change was with me or them, but looking back, I believe it was both.

I started to notice some character and moral issues within the group that concerned me. But, I decided that I was going to stay and be a light.

Can I just pause to acknowledge how difficult it is when you are trying to be a light around people who believe that their behavior is already reflective of his light? It absolutely can be done but we have to know if God is calling us to do it or if we are doing it out of our own desire to be comfortable and non-confrontational.

The “be a light” approach almost worked, but my discomfort grew with each rehearsal, as well as my awareness of it.

Does anyone else see this?

If I leave, what will they think?

What would I do next with my life?

What would happen to my friendships?

I was torn and the internal tension was rising.

I had spent the first quarter of my life around these people and in this industry. I’d started to believe that singing was my only contribution to the world. God knew this, and out of his love for me, he allowed me to become uncomfortable with being comfortable.

I fought, justified, and cried about it. Finally, I became quiet enough for God to whisper these words,

“Rachel, because of what I have called you to, you can’t be a part of this anymore.”

So, I surrendered it and left the group.

That group was symbolic of my dream to sing. A dream I had held onto for so long but I needed to entrust it to God, which meant I needed to surrender it to Him as well.

Maybe it was my dream for my life, and NOT His dream for me.

About a year later, God started stirring within me a desire to write a blog. I never saw myself as much of a writer, but reluctantly, I started. I called it Wisdom Wins (it doesn’t exist anymore). That blog became the catalyst for me to experience God’s dream in exchange for mine. From it, more and more writing opportunities came. From blogging for a major local christian radio station to writing for the Huffington Post. Then Youversion, self-publishing books and more. These were all amazing and I was completely content with what He had done! But God does this thing called more than we could ask, think, or imagine and that is what I am experiencing now.

That surrendered dream was an act of obedience that opened the doors for His supernatural plan to begin to live out through me.

Some of you may find that you have suppressed the dream God has given you and it’s time to revive it. While others know it’s time to surrender your dream in exchange for God’s. No matter where you find yourself, it’s not an easy place, but I want to reassure you that it will be well worth it to go with God..

Remember, only what we do for Christ will last, so say yes, knowing that you are exchanging your dream for His eternal well done.